Our Specialties

Moisture Emission Control

Moisture and vapor emissions are rarely thought of when installing new floors but the reality is that overlooking these issues can lead to serious complications. If a project is rushed, the concrete subfloor might not have enough time to fully dry and will result in the buildup of moisture. Many floor coverings and installation materials are sensitive to moisture which can lead to costly flooring failures.

Moisture can result in the swelling or blistering of floor coverings and cause them to lose their integrity. Adhesives used in the installation of flooring are susceptible to moisture as well and can dissolve within months or years, causing floor coverings to become loose. Prolonged exposure to moisture can also foster mold growth under the flooring material, this can become a health hazard for the occupants of the building as well as cause discoloration. At Sub-Floor Specialties, we have the knowledge and experience to test flooring for moisture emissions and install necessary moisture control and vapor reduction systems.


Contact us

Phone: 1-866-982-3444
Email: info@subfloorspecialties.com

Our hours

9:00 AM – 5.00 PM
Monday – Friday


Miami  |  Orlando  |  Atlanta